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We can’t do this alone…

Jesus tells us that “the harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (Matthew 9:37-38)

Metamora Youth for Christ is seeing more people join our team as Ministry Leaders. These are men & women who work on the frontline with students sharing the love of God through Authentic Christ-Sharing Relationships. They are staffing the Center after school. They are running Campus Life and leading Bible studies. They are coordinating service projects. They are attending games, concerts & special events with students.

We are seeing an increase in the number of leaders, but we are also seeing a greater harvest field than ever before. Students are desperately seeking purpose & community. We need more leaders who will “dwell among” students and be available when students have tough questions.

Would you join us in praying for more workers for the harvest? Or maybe you don’t need to pray; maybe you are that worker. If the ministry of YFC intrigues you, send Chris Genders a message at (309) 573-5175 or to discuss your next-steps!